Vic Hearing Augmentation and Soundfield Handbook rules explained explained – Part 4

The new Victorian School Building Authority Building Quality Standards Handbook offers new language to describe what must be built into a learning space.

What is an on-wall interface?

This means that on the wall of a learning space, there must be a device to which audio is inputted, which transforms and balances this audio, and makes it available for connection to transmitters which learners, teachers and learners can connect to.

The on-wall interface must also have permanent cabling for devoted on-wall interfaces which terminate to practical locations for effective operation and be free from trip risk (i.e. have no unsecured cables to power supplies or general power outlets)

Also, hearing augmentation interfaces must be appropriately labelled and mounted at an accessible height for use by hard of hearing /deaf users of the space

The Hear and Learn UConnect SoundHouse and UConnect Mini are purpose built on-wall interfaces designed and manufactured in Australia.  They have all facilities built in and comply with the VSBA rules.  They offer compliance with Code / BCC as a performance based solution.

As stated at page 127 of the Building Quality Standards Handbook:

“Project consultants must select and satisfy hearing augmentation systems that meet the following performance requirements:

  • all teaching and gathering spaces with fixed amplification systems (see definition below) must be equipped with an agnostic, devoted on-wall interface, together with
  • a minimum of one hearing augmentation transmitter per 10 learning spaces (primary schools), or per learning community (secondary schools) 13 that is appropriate to the learning population’s devices to enable hearing augmentation (i.e. transmission from fixed amplification systems to personal hearing device receivers)
  • each building must also be supplied with at least one sound field system for transmitting verbal instructions.”

The Uconnect SoundHouse on-wall interface can be seen on our Hearing Augmentation page as can the UConnect Mini on-wall interface.

The sound field system required to be supplied can be the Hear and Learn Redcat.